Gobind Sadan
God's house Without Walls

Faith in Service of Humanity Conference

Further Activities

After the close of the seminar itself, participants continued to explore Gobind Sadan’s model of interfaith living by visiting Shiv Sadan, the community’s large farm on the banks of the Ganges in Uttar Pradesh, and participating in the devotional life of the Delhi community, including havan, kirtan, Akhand Path of Guru Granth Sahib, nightly candle-lighting at Jesus’s Place, and Namaz with explanations by Gobind Sadan’s imam. The foreign participants also visited famous sites to see more of Indian culture, including Qutb Minar, the Gandhi Museum, the Red Fort, the Taj Mahal, and Jaipur. They also spent much time in discussions of how to implement education about all religions in their own school systems and places of worship, based on all that they had seen and learned as a result of the Gobind Sadan Institute seminar on “Faith in Service of Humanity.”
“Keep growing in love for your Master. Do not look to this side or that or even at the path ahead, because people will always be criticizing you.”

Baba Virsa Singh

“Trees do not wear crosses, but the great spiritual beings see God in trees. Water has no symbols, but Guru Gobind Singh says, ‘My God is in water.”

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"We do spiritual practices to gradually prepare the way for enlightenment. It does not come immediately."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Management does not change things. It is God who changes people."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Our mind is not controlled. It is a fire fed by wood from the whole world."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Think that everything in this world exists with God’s blessings, whether we regard it as pleasant or unpleasant."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"First look within yourself, and then you will see God everywhere."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"If we keep faith and love in difficulties, and pray for those who abuse us, we will always remain happy & free."

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

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